What would “good education” look like to this MN principal?


Last week, Gov. Dayton announced his plans to regain “our state’s position as a national and global leader in educational excellence” because “a good education is the key to our success.” As a lifelong educator and current school principal, I believe the following five big ideas…

The what, how & why of leading learning


This post is my first post as a blogging fellow for MinnCan.  I am excited and hopeful to share and contribute positively to the education world through this opportunity.  This original blog, and others, can be found here: MinnCan Blog


Author Simon Sinek writes that every organization on the planet “always functions on three levels….

My Most Important Question:


On Friday I sent all of the students at Valley View Middle School a google form with one important question: What do you love about Valley View Middle School?  Not only was I curious about their responses, I also want to use them in a promotional flyer for our upcoming first annual VVMS Showcase.  I…

Here Today


Today I am grateful to be getting back into the swing of a new school year and to my blog.  I know that 2014-15 is going to be an awesome year.  I am looking forward to sharing the good news of my school, my profession and my leadership.  I am reminded that:

All I know for…



I absolutely love the profession of teaching.  I love learning. I love working with students and adults who are dedicated to the students they serve. At Valley View Middle School, we have awesome teachers! This quote from Sir Ken Robinson speaks volumes:




Valley View Middle School is proud to celebrate the International Day of Pink today!  It is wonderful to see all the students and staff wearing pink, talking about diversity and anti-bullying.

From the DayofPink website: www.dayofpink.org

DayofPink is the…

National Institute for Urban School Leaders


I am so thrilled that I was accepted into the National Institute for Urban School Leaders for this summer.  I believe that this opportunity will allow me to serve students and schools with even more skill…



I have worked in high-poverty, diverse schools my entire career.  While in High School, I enjoyed tutoring elementary students in south Minneapolis at Hoops and Homework which grew into a job with Educational Talent Search during college at Humboldt Junior/Senior High School.  I was fortunate to student teach at Como Park High School in Saint…

Spread the Word to End the Word


Words are powerful.  One of my first blog posts was about the r-word and its impact on my life.  I urge you to go to www.r-word.org today and spread the word to…

If these walls could speak…


I believe that the physical space of a school speaks volumes about the mission, vision, and values of a school.  It is often overlooked but it sets the tone and climate of a school in powerful ways.  I was inspired by a session at #nassp14 in which the principal showed pictures of his 21st century…