My Most Important Question:


On Friday I sent all of the students at Valley View Middle School a google form with one important question: What do you love about Valley View Middle School?  Not only was I curious about their responses, I also want to use them in a promotional flyer for our upcoming first annual VVMS Showcase.  I am excited about creating this event for our future falcons so that they can visit our school, see how amazing our school is and highlight programs such as Nobel (Humanities and Arts), AVID, and our phenomenal Music programs.  Their responses not only made many people smile this morning but are a testament to how wonderful they make this school.  I am proud to be a falcon!

Here are some of their responses:

Dear Ms.Grussing-Neitzel,
What I love at Valley View Middle School is there are very kind and helpful teachers and adults at VVM!! I also love that VVM is a safe place for me my family and friends.

Love, <student>

What do I love about Valley View. I love that Valley View has so many programs to help me succeed in college and/or to let me get ready for college.

It feels like a fun, safe place to learn.

I love the teachers and my classmates. I am enjoying my honors classes alot. I’m not bored in class like I was in elementary school so thats an up.

The after-school activities.

Well what I love about VVM is that the teachers are nice and are really helpful might be grumpy sometimes, but everyone is grumpy sometimes hope I can keep loving this school till the end of the year.

The Staff and the support.

I love the VVMS’s sport (Volleyball) and I love the activities.

All the Awesome teachers and help we get if we need it! 🙂

I love the field trips.

One thing I love Valley View Middle School is that there are so many great staff and teachers.

The teachers are really nice.

I love gym because we get to run around and workout.


What I love about Valley View is the teachers and staff because the staff is really outgoing and fun and you get to learn a lot from them.


Nice Teachers.

I love having all events that are coming up, and having fun at those events. 🙂


P.E, Field Trips, Team Activities, and Falcon Fest.

I love math and science.

I love to go to my Band Class. I also love that I get to use my Chromebook for class, and sometimes we do fun activities with the Chromebook in class to learn.

The People.

I love that we have days like against bullying and dress up for sucess day.


Thanks students.  You make us proud!