My ‘yet space’ confessional


I need to confess- I have a voxer block (like writers block). I haven’t figured it out yet. I am stuck in a yet space ( I probably need to watch The Power of Yet and finish Rising Strong by Brené Brown). You know what is so interesting about confessing is that it is wholly vulnerable and in the feeling space. My commute is so short now that I struggle to find time to listen to my friends on voxer. Earlier this week I voxed with my tribe about how I miss them, about how different my work is now and how I am struggling to find balance and white space. Its not that I don’t have balance. I do, its just different than what I am used to. When I found this tribe a year ago, I would have never guessed how impactful their words would become on my life and how much I would learn from and with them. I haven’t figured out how to catch up on voxer yet, but I will.


I need to confess that have writers block too.  I have a lot going on that is different and I just haven’t found my voice at my new school yet. I do not mean that I am not vocal, what I mean is that I haven’t been able to describe how different this experience is for me in a way that makes sense. The vulnerability that it takes to write about in my journal is my block. I am self-conscious about my writing because I can’t understand my environment enough yet to make sense of it so I have trouble getting started. I worry that I won’t express myself well and that my new community won’t embrace my thinking. It is too raw to share yet.


I am grateful for my #leadupchat tribe because they allow me to be in the yet space- the I haven’t figured it out yet space. I am going to force myself to publish this blog and keep writing, because I am positive about one thing: “The decision to write was a lot like jumping into a frozen lake.” -Maya Angelou
