My #oneword2016: Rooted


Last year I quietly identified my #oneword as strong. I needed the word. In my life there have been times when being strong has been my “I am” and there have been times when I didn’t know how to be strong. I believe that this is true for all of us and that it may be one of the central connectors to all human-ness. We all have a story and when we acknowledge our story, and rumble through it, we can grow. Having the #oneword as strong didn’t conjure up negativity. Thankfully my family is healthy and safe. Identifying strong as my #oneword was a reminder of who I am so that I didn’t lose myself in our culture, in my job, as a mom, wife, friend and person. Strong reminds me to build healthy barriers in some circumstances and in others to open myself up to discomfort.

My first #oneword was balance. It was also deeply important to me to center myself on this word two years ago. It is quite a balance to be in a giving/helping profession and be an active mother to three precious girls. It is also a balance to invest as an equal part in my marriage. It is a balance to be a part of this world and not be consumed by this world. Being a part of the change I want to see in this world, like Ghandi, is also a balance. I realized that I have a lifetime to achieve my purpose and to make it to the end of the race, I needed to pace myself.

In 2016, I have been percolating three distinct #oneword choices. They each mean something deep to myself. They each encourage me to be a better person and educator. I have chosen the word rooted. This word means many, many things to me and it has been hard to discern why it speaks to me in the stillness. “Rooted” has been sitting on my heart, in my mind and rustling around my soul for weeks now. Today during my weekly connection with thought leaders on twitter, my friend Jeff asked everyone this question: “What barriers will you break this year to gain momentum?” I realized that it may be bigger than me to chose the word rooted. In my life there has been clarity that there is nothing that breaks more barriers than staying right where you are and doing what is right for kids. I know this is my calling. I know this is my #oneword2016.